Monday, May 31, 2010

la vita é bella

Signs of Imperfection

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Sometimes we don't get it right.
But sometimes when it isn't right, it turns out even better.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Questions of Science

I absolutely love the song 'The Scientist' by Coldplay.
A thing I love about listening to songs, is listening to it again and again, deconstructing the lyrics to understand it more.

'The Scientist' is one of those songs I just had to research and learn more about.

My interpretation of the song:

The song is about a man who 'screwed up' his relationship, wanting to go back to the start and re live the relationship differently.

He wants to be explain what he did in the past with science, but he can't as love has nothing to do with science, but with the indivduals emotions.

'Come back and haunt me' is a representation of either the person he is talking about having died, or that the relationship has been long lost.

It appears he misses the relationship he was once in which is shown through the repetittive connotation of 'take me back to the start', however science cannot not get him back into the relationship, and it is up to the human mind to move foward in life.

This song is so beautiful and so easy for most people to relate to.

If you haven't heard thing song, I recommend you listen to it. Natasha Bedingfield also has a cover of this song, which is also wonderfully amazing.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Perspective.

Today I saw something I will never forget. Something that was so beautiful, so heartwarming.

The story goes like this:

I was at work, where two regular customers were both standing at the counter. The first cutomer waiting was Jan, a lovely, bubbly woman who has been coming into my work for years now. The other, a fragile old man with some sort of level of alzhiemers whos name is unknown.

The old man ordered six hash browns for him and his wife, so Jan began joking around saying how much he must love the has browns to get to many. As they were chatting away Jan said she was down to her last $5 for the day, in which she was about to spend on her breakfast.

So myself and some other workers gathered their food and handed it out to them.

About 15 minutes later the old man approached the counter and I asked him what he was after. He said he wanted to exchange his $20 note for a $10 and two $5 notes. So I happily exchanged the money and he was on his way. The next minute I looked up and saw that he was standing next to the table in which Jan was happily sitting eating her breakfast. I didn't hear exactly what he said to her but I saw him get out his wallet. He took a $10 note from his wallet and held it towards Jan. The reasoning as to why he wanted to exchange his money was because he wanted to give $10 of it to Jan, who now had no money left for the day.

Jan of course didn't accept the money, but felt so greatful for the offering the man had proposed. This old man, who does not have much money himself, offered Jan money. It may not have been much but it was such an amazing thing to watch.

I could not stop smiling after seeing this act. It was definitely the highlight of my day. I love that people on this earth can be so compassionate and kindhearted like this man. I feel so privledged to have seen this, as I have gained a new perspective of being generous to those I know, and those I do not know.